All the Moral Studies students who join dis charity work~~i was one of them ...(can u all c me?)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Pure Life Society
All the Moral Studies students who join dis charity work~~i was one of them ...(can u all c me?)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
MightyMan camp III
MightyMan camp II
所有的营员必须在6am起床.然而6am前,我已经可以听到有人进出房间(因为他们的关门声很响把我给吵醒).过后是做早操的时间, 因为太多人花了一段时间等营员到才开始做早.在品格小组,我组的导师象"赶巴士"那样,将我们要分享和查考的品格大楷讲了,我蛮佩服他,他的圣经知识很好,讲话很有牧师的样子,更让我惊讶的是他才和我妹同年,是这营最年轻的导师.
在主题探讨里, 由许顺名牧师讲道,他所讲的是友情的爱.刚开始真的有点眼睡,因为前晚没睡好,还好有听到一部份的,不然太对不起上帝也对不起我自己.差不多要12pm,是阳光最猛的时候,我们全在猛烈的阳光下,等候负责摄影的弟兄的吩附,最后才完成这"心型"的大合照,不错吧!(不过我已变黑了).在games的时候, quite stress, cos scare been cought. once b caught need b lokap and whole group members need rescue u...dis ll loss many time and chance to complete the task tht been provided will bc less and less (those group able complete three or above task above join games on the next day...fortunate, in my group we success complete four task.haha...). Honestly, i was quite enjoyed in dis games, but a bit crazy especially on wed nites, keep on run n run, due to scare been catch by "wolf or lion" (make me terjatuh lo, aih...)
MightyMan camp I
1st day in Inti Nilai:-
1. 当到达Inti Nilai的时候,看见很多来自不同教会的弟兄姐妹已经开始在报到处报到了,有的已经开始将行李搬进各自的房间,当然我们教会的少年人放好自己的行李便到四周围的环境走走要了解一下环境.
2.进到房间(hostel),第一个印象是还蛮干净但是小了一点.我想这房间应该是single room, jz only suitable for a person to live inside. Thanks God, let me had a chance to experience life in hostel, felt really not bad.
4.Before went back to enjoy our rest time, 营长有一些的报告,he said every group should read 手册that been given to our 导师, 手册wrote sth important bout the games, he suggest us is better to read b4 play dis games. Tht nite, b4 we went to bed, all my group members were gathering to discuss bout the strategics of games for the next day. Duno y tht nite cant sleep well. I knw my brain still working although my eyes was close, i still think bout the strategics for the games (mayb heard wat 李成就传道说游戏会很刺激所以有点紧张,hehe..)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
dOn't wAsTe fOOd & wAtEr...
After saw dis few photos, wat appear in u mind???would u give thanks to God for wat u hv?would u appreciate with wat u hv?We really need give thanks to God, cos we can live in such country that have enough FOOD and WATER as well as no WAR....
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
tHeory Of pErsonality viRtUes
sOmetiMes is quite interesting, But sometimes is quite boring...
Well, yesterday i had learn something in moral study class, which i thought is quite meaningful, so jz wanna share v u all..
Be careful with your thoughts,
for thoughts become your words,
Be careful with your words,
for words become your action,
Be careful with your actions,
for actions become your habits,
Be careful with your habits,
for habits become your character,
Be careful with your character,
for character will chart your destiny.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
美好的人生 III
all the youth who join "mei hao de ren sheng" camp
mY group members~wen ping, wen hui, joanne and me (front row)
Philip --> yes--> philip--> yes -->philip --> sure WIN (oUr moTOr)
Worship time~~~yeah!!!
y sO many ppl wear pink or red color shirt de???
haha..i act as Phua Chu Kang who is best contractor in JB and Singapore (m i look like PCK?)
fiGht btw snow white (act by xin yi:left) and su zhen (act by de ye: right)
wuah haha~~ beauty snow white coming nia with "big" breast-- bek tahan
lOng hAir de PCK????
美好的人生 II
美好的人生 I
Thursday, November 16, 2006
主, 不单单是我,这世界的每一个人也需要一张笑脸,一张真诚无伪的笑脸,孩子的笑脸使人纯洁,少女的笑脸使人青春,父亲的笑脸给人自信,母亲的笑脸给人安 慰,老师的笑脸是一种鼓励,而朋友的笑脸则代表了无限关怀的心意.主啊!许多的时候,我们常常渴望看到别人的笑脸,然而自己却不肯付出一张笑脸.
主 啊!请给我一张笑脸,让我们以笑脸面对苦难的人生,以笑脸化解人与人之间的猜忌.如果我们每个人都有一张笑脸,人间就不再有争斗和混乱,这世界将会变得更 温暖,更和谐,也更美满.但是,亲爱的主啊!更重要的是求祢帮助我们,从祢那里找到喜乐的根源.因为,惟有心底的平安于满足,才能使我们拥有一张真正的笑 脸. ^O^
今天是我妹妹最后一天的考试,明天是她将会结束她的高一的学生生涯了.由于没事做便答应去学校接她放学,可是等了好久也没见她的人影,打算回家了.在这时侯,看见了熟悉的malay restaurant, 熟悉的巴士站 (蛮久没回学校),让我开始回想起我的中学生涯的点点滴滴.
还记得malay restaurant是我和几位好朋友去那儿享用我们的lunch的地方当学校有补习的时侯,也在那儿常遇见我们的学长(宝尊,凯伦,顺华和颖浩-可称为四剑客吧!!各有不同的特别). 现在的宝尊还是有孩子气但没象以前那样..以前太孩子气了!而凯伦还是象以前那样中等身材,不亏是打篮球的,但是比以前成熟了好多...而顺华呢?变化最多该是他吧(我是说外表的变化), 变的太成熟,就象他的哥哥一样.至于颖浩嘛!!真的有一段时间没联络他了.只知道他去当一名老师了!!(这也是从伟寿口中知道的!!) 很难想象他教课的样子吧!!一定好好笑的.....以前念A-level时还有联络的..可是久而久之也少联络了,近这几年完全没有他的消息. 以前即使我念高中的时侯,虽然我们俩念不同学校,但我们依然有给对方写信,至少可以知道对方的近况如何...加上我到KL念书以后再也没有见过你了!!整整五年了!!不晓得甚么时侯可以再见回他???!!!
而巴士站也是我和其他的同学一起挤巴士的时侯,虽然每次都没位子但蛮怀念冲出课室赶去搭巴士的那种心情,怀念铃声还未响,我和其他的朋友已收好课本要get ready回家的心情!! 我和其他四位好朋友常在一起(班上的同学常称我们为五朵金花,但我们不喜欢这称呼的因为太难听了)一起怒力为自己的前途迈进,一起疯,一起癫,一起笑,一起哭,一起"三八"....虽然我们为着自己的梦想前进导至很少见面但还好有手机可以联络,有空也传一封窝心的信息来代表我们还关心彼此,想念着彼此...朋友们虽然没有见面,但你们永在我心噢!!!希望你门一切都很好并时常快乐...有空call me or sms me lo....我在想如果我的中学生涯就如一部戏上映在戏院里,不要讲在戏院里,在电视机前好了,我一定会笑暴肚..因我做了好多好多傻的事情...回想起来,一直在想为何当时的我会这么的傻,为何会做出这些无聊的事情!!!虽然傻但是回想起来也蛮好笑的,试问有谁在中学时期没有做过一些傻傻的事情呢?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Death note
Death note~~whose name been wrote in dis book, ll b die within 40 seconds by "xin zhang ma pi" if dun hv any special design frm the person who took dis book...
an intelligent master detective named L who like eat those creamy n sweet food during his work and the way, he act eg drink coffee, answer phone calls jz like a gal...besides that, he look pale and no energy like a patient...
another intellengient guy as well named light, but use death note to kill ppl without any reasonable reasons...
In cinema, sure got different type of movie we can choose, some movie is horrible movie, some is funny movie, some is action movie... Well, DEATH NOTE is one of the japanase movie that recently available in cinema...i was watch this movie with my frenz once we are finish our last paper...haha...For me, i not really like dis movie, bored is one of the reason, besides that, the content for this movie oso not tht good...
here the synopsis for this movie:~
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
aNImal lOver~jUwiN
yesterday, as usual, continue study at library till nites cos unable study at home during exam period, therefore, went to library study...mayb stay too long at library, at the same time, i wear my contact too long almost 12hrs, my eye bc dry, red and blur....i felt cant concentrate on study, is the time for me take rest, went back home.
juwim accompany me went back my house cos is quite dangerous if went back alone, sumore, tht time was raining as well....(thanks juwin). on the way, a dog was barking. Juwin said for sure a puppy "terjatuh" ke longkang, we found where the sound come from, and i notice tht, really had a puppy terjatuh in longkang lo, Juwin "throw" away umbrella, quickly save the puppy from "danger", suddenly cant believe my eyes, he "throw" his unbrella (at tht time was raining leh) due to wanna safe the puppy, really seldom got a guy ll do such thing - safe an animal. juwin, i knw u really was an animal lover and environment lover.....wat u did for tht puppy, i ll remember de.. frm wat u did, can let me knw who u r....
hey frenz, maintain dis nia!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
(爸?我要出去玩!給我兩千塊!〕 我一邊看著電視一邊說著。
(昨天不是才給你了嗎?怎麼又花完了!〕 我爸露出些許無奈的神情質問著我。
在撞球場和我朋友撞球時,我朋友突然問我:〔你爸是做什麼工作的啊?〕我聽到後有些羞愧的不敢回答,只因我爸是賣烤香腸的,而我以我爸的工作為恥,所以,我在我朋友面前絕不提起我爸,因為我並不把他當成爸爸。不知不覺中,已經凌晨3點多了,於是我和我朋友準備離開撞球場,想繼續到KTV喝酒玩樂,可是當我們從2樓撞球場走到樓下時,卻聽到了吵鬧聲:〔你錢到 底要不要拿出 來,不拿出來我們就打給你死!〕而另一個聲音又傳了過來〔我錢是不會給你們的,這是我辛苦賺的血汗錢,是要養我家人的,我是絕對不會給你們的,你們再不走,我就要報警了喔!〕突然間,樓下傳來了一聲怒喝:〔乎你死!〕
當我和我朋友走到樓下時,發現4、5個少年圍著一個中年男子拳打腳踢的,還有一個人拿著棍棒猛揮那個中年男子的身體,眼看著,那個中年男子倒在地上已經快不行了,可是他手中仍然緊握著,他今天賺的兩千多塊,不肯鬆手讓另一個少年搶走,我朋友看到這個場面後,拉著我趕緊離開現場,叫我不要管太多,可是在我離開之前,我忍不住回頭看了那中年男子一眼,卻驚愕的發現,他竟然就是..我爸!我愣在原地看著他們繼續毆打我爸的場景,與我爸緊握著鈔票不肯鬆手的畫面,又突然想到我爸平時都無怨無尤的給我兩、三千塊,而現在,他竟然可以為了兩千多塊,性命都可以不顧,再看到他賴以為生的香腸攤,已被敲毀散落滿地,頓時間,我不自覺的掉下一滴淚,大聲哭喊著〔爸!〕立即衝入人群中,用身體守護著我平時最看不起的爸爸,任由棒棍拳腳襲擊著我。而我身上立即一點一滴的傳來我爸剛才所承受的痛楚,可是我卻感覺到我的心,比這些痛楚還要痛,因為,我對自己以前的不孝,真的感到無比的痛心啊!幸虧不久後,我朋友立即衝上來替我解圍,而警察在不久後也到了,可是我在細看我爸的傷勢時,竟然發現我爸頭上流著血,失去意識暈厥過去了,讓我急慌的哭喊著〔救護車!誰趕快叫救護車來啊!快!我爸他..嗚..誰快來救我爸?〕 在救護車來到之後,我立即跟我爸進入了救護車,而醫護人員卻發現我爸左手緊握著兩千塊,仍然沒有鬆手,於是我在一旁哭泣著:「神明啊!求你一定要讓我爸平安無事!求求你!要是我爸真的平安無事後,我一定會學好學乖的,絕對會好好的孝順他,不會再讓他生氣難過了,求求你,我知道以前我錯了,你要懲罰就懲罰我好了,我還年輕,你要我幾年壽命都沒關係,我只求你讓我爸平安無事就好,求求你!神明!求求你..嗚..〕
突然間,我爸呻吟了一聲,隨即微微的睜開雙眼,我驚喜般的看著他:〔爸!〕我爸仍有些意識不清:〔這?..是哪裡?〕 我喜出望外的對他說 〔爸!我們在救護車裡面,你剛才暈了過去,害我好擔心你?〕我差點又哭了出來。 他忽然微舉起左手,張開了緊握的兩千塊對我說〔啟明!這是爸今天賺的兩千塊,你拿去吧!][等一下回家之後,你先買東西自己吃吧!爸還不餓!〕我聽到後立即紅了雙眼,緊抱著我爸大聲哭泣著,一直哭一直哭,淚水不自覺的濕透了我爸的衣衫,也濕透了一旁醫護人員的雙眼。
为何我和fang theng会哭当我们读这散文呢?原因很简单因为我们都有同样的经历...我们俩曾经嫌弃各自爸爸..我还记得当我还是初中生的时候, 总是嫌弃我爸为何没买车载送我去学校,为何要骑上老爸的"老铁马",而且也dirty cos 有黑油, 时常导至我的校服肮脏...but Thanks God, as i grow up, He change my mind, He let me c tht My dad was so love me...Let me think bout wat power able trigger my dad work so hard everyday? the answer was He love all his children which are wei keat, wei mun, su zhen n me...He wanna give a good condition for us to live, wanna give delicious food for us to eat, scare we hungry, wan buy stuff tht we like jz wanna make us happy and smile, give education for us, let us can get a better job in future... all these was done by my lovely dad...this can be said tht, my dad already do his best job, he got carry his responsibility as a anything i still can complain with? answer is nope...wat he done for me, is more than enough...i really appreaciate wat he done for me all this while.Thanks God, give me such nice and responsible father for the way, sorry Dad..for wat i did on u when i was in secondary schl....Love you, my dad!!!
because u live
Recently, i was "CRAZY" bout this song... always repeated n repeated..haha..
may b some of frenzs might listen dis b4..while, may b some didn heard bout this song....
Song tht i wanna recommended was "bEcasUse U liVE" which sang by Jesse McCartney~~ a Handsome GUy...
lyric for this song as below:--
Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice pulls me back
Like a wake-up callI've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn't know
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl
My world...
Has twice as many stars in the sky
It's all right. I survived.
I'm alive again.
'Cause of you, made it through every storm
What is life? What's the use?
If you're killing time I'm so glad I found an angel
Someone... Who was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly looking in your eyes
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl(you live) My world(my world)
Has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live.. I live
Because you live, there's a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've givin' me Always...
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help(when no one else can help)
Because you live girl .....My world (My World)
Has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl(girl you live).......My world
Has everything I need to survive
because you live... I live, I live
Thursday, October 26, 2006
ride bicycle
Finally, hv a chance ride bicycle nia.. long time didn ride bicycle. Still remember, i ride bicycle when i was a children. Howevere, as i growth, no longer ride bicycle, but change ride "motor" went to school. As i ride bicycle, jz help me recall back my happy time when i was a children (this is one of the reason tht i like ride bicycle, another reason is i like out-door activity although is quite tired, but i was enjoyed in ride bicyle). wish have another chance ride bicycle again.....
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
REally cant believe that i able wake up early in the morning which was ard 6am, and join all "AUNTY" members for jogging near my house. Along the way, really enjoyed cos can inhaled fresh air which cant found in KL, listen the sound of small animal eg birds, frog..enjoyed quite environment...which is long time i didn exposed to such environment. Especially duirng exam period, jogging in such fresh and quite environment oso one of the way to release my stress..hahaha...(thanks my dear sis, give me such good idea, Love you..) After jogging, i think i had more energy and mood to continue my studies lo...haha...
ard 10am met v my causin sisters who were Esther and Joanne ate our breakfast...we all waited so long for food tht we order, cos 2day really lots of ppl...main reason due to most of those ppl work at kl were back to lipis, having holidays at here. BUt anyway, we quite enjoyed the process when we waiting due to had chance for us to chit-chat, can listen their "story" with someone, in somewhere..haha, let me can knw bout them....
Thanks God, gave me such good time with my cousin sis....
Duno y..when i stay at lipis, lots of foods i wanna eat.. keep eating n eating...jzz finish breakfast v cousin sis they all, then ard 1pm eat lunch which are "BREAD" make by my sister....delicious but is oily lo...