Thursday, August 30, 2007


早上起床,天阴阴的, 不知道为什么我的心情也跟着往下沉,怎样也提不起劲来。。以前的我绝对不让天气影响我那天的心情。。。然而今天却是被灰灰的天空,没有强烈的阳光给影响了我的心情。顿时一阵地思念从我的内心发出, 思念着我的婆婆,他的脸, 他的声音。。。回想起当天他离开我的情景,回想起当天看见他躺在病床上和以往一样,但唯一的不同是他没有了呼吸, 不会在动,不会再笑,不会再说话。。
淑仪,remember with "Unspoken Promise"...
because of this, you have to keep on you steps...



Wednesday, August 29, 2007


淑仪,无论是美好的惊喜或是不好的惊喜, 你都要努力加油!!!

wonderful moment @ beach

由于我的脚趾头受伤了,不能像他们那样奔跑在沙滩上... 好羡慕哦!!

play with sea water
Sau Tze 对我说的话已写在沙滩上-->:success with your target

James Bond with "water gun"~~ pai sei pai sei!!!


What is dis? anyone can tell me this?
jelly-fish that found by ming wei..
1st time for me, look so close to the jelly-fish..


supper with SEafood

After eat supper from seafood restaurant, 1 incident was happened..
door been locked that moment, can said almost all the teenagers were in the room.. there was so packed till some of ppl need remain stand while they were waiting someone come to rescue them(open the door)..
Sau Tze n Me

concentrate in eating~~ yummy yummy!!

After whole day activities, is supper time!!! Pls Guess...
how much we spend for 1st nite supper for each person (12 person per table)??
meals that been order: prawn, fried sotong, kam heong crabs, xing chow meehun, Hokkien Mee
Answer:--> Rm 8 per person
how bout second nite supper (8 person per table)?
meals that been order: kong po prawn, zhu tan, "nai you" crabs, fried rice and "wuat dan ho"
answer:-->RM 11 per person
For me, is cheap...
Even Now, i miss the crabs ... TOO delicious~~

Banana BOat

Banana Boat is one of the activities that we can play with.. At first, i not really wan play with this due to i still had wound on my toe, is a bit painful once i exposed my toe to sea...and decided sit on the boat watch over them fall from banana boat... BUt, i change my mind later due to my frenzs they all persuade me dun even miss the chance that we can spend together, dun even miss the chance that can let us share the same memories all are right!! and here i come, played with Banana Boat~~

still discuss v the price for this games!!
RM 10 per person ~~ quite cheap nia,
not only that, can fall three time~~ not bad la...
wear 救生衣
Look nervous~~
Get Ready o nt??!!
first time fall in the sea, shock la~
Choo Han, at this moment u still had "mood"give a "sure win" post o?!
waiting someone save us~ H.E.L.P!!!!!
Enjoyable float in Mid of Sea

Games Time~~@ nites

而对于少年人,晚上的时候乃是他们Happy HOur ...

由于我太累了(老了是较容易感到累的,哈哈..)所以没有参与他们玩Unno,就只在他们旁边休息合拍下一些他们在玩Unno 的photo 吧!! Esther, 累了依然要玩~~

不知道为什么,少年人都不感觉到累,结果所有的少年人集合在一间的房间开始他们的Happy Hour, 当然是少不了我的份咯,哈哈!!!由于人数太多,Unno就有点不适合玩了.. 结果我想了一个游戏, 就是“丑态”大表演, 被选中的弟兄或姐妹必须完成指定的动作...
Esther 的 cha cha 舞。。
ah boy,人有三急的时候还可以笑得这么的灿烂吗?

玩了“丑态”大表演的环节,来到了很普遍的游戏, 就是“真心话或大冒险”。。因为有玩这游戏,让我有机会更加地了解到这班的少年人,拉进了我们之间的感情。。是一件不错的事情。。讲老实话,和你们在一起真的真的真的很开心,相信在PD 给了我们每个人一个美好的,难忘的回忆....

PD, here we come!!

Kuala Lipis Church Camp
Location: Port Dickson @ Beach Point Motel
Date: 18-20 August 2007
Mei ling, r u too excited with the trip???
Pei ying, what happen to u???
what kind of response on you???
show me, your tongue!! Ah~Ah~~
one of seafood restaurant in PD
What special food available in dis restaurant??
Answer: Curry Chicken that wrapped by bread...
*Zhan*- muz try if you pass by Lukut
Pretty ladies in KLCC jyf

Everyone smile~~
Next time we come back dis place again ya~
Full of sweet memories nia~~

Monday, August 27, 2007

Miss you~

Su Zhen, i miss you so much la...
Although sometime we had argument when i went back lipis..
BUt i miss your voice, that telling me story bout wat happen in your schl..
chat non-sense stuff, play ard with non-sense games...
even now, i still cant adapted my KL life...
without you, feel so silence when i was stay alone in my room...
feel emptiness and bored ....

Friday, August 17, 2007

MOnash MOtorShow~~

FRom my frenz who study in Monash (sau tze) know that had Monash Motorshow on 17th&18th Aug(fri&sat), 6pm-12am @ Monash open car park, Sunway. There will be car exhibition, car clubs gathering, drift showcase, carnival & many more other activities.. So who have interesting, welcomed u all drop by and enjoyed on this ...

"God, pray for car exhibition and carnival, hope everything goin b fine..."
I wish i can go..cos i was missed carnival last year due to raining heavily... hope wont happen dis time.... i cant waiting for this... as well as PD trip on Saturday...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


although you seen no way in front of YOu...
But remember..God always be there for you...
Gambateh nia suyi...
never give up easily ya...
cheer up gal~~ =)

Monday, August 13, 2007



Saturday, August 11, 2007

good new??!!

Dis morning, not really had energy to do so much of thing...
since dis few days i cant sleep well...
what i can do only write my resume and cover letter....
and when i was half way with this...
my handphone was ring, is a call from my lovely friend, Esther
She bring a Hope to me.....
She told me, Gribbles Pathology Laboratory have a vacancy and the position was medical technician, which is what i was interested in ....
I knw this Laboratory when i had my attachment in Sunway Medical center...
Got lots of kind of tests are available in this pathology lab...
I wish i can work over there...
HOnestly, i preferable work in diagnostic lab..
cos this is related with my future, coming five years in my life....
i wish i can keep the promise
i wish i can success with what i had plan....
But anyway, i know if God allow me to do so,
He ll prepare a job for me...
I need be faith on HIm.....

Friday, August 10, 2007

I found it!!!`~

Since i had been rest quite a long time, now is time for me start to write my resume and cover letter for application job..
Before i start ...i just realized that all the certificates that i had been loss (left few only)..
i been looked around my drawer, my tables, everywhere in lipis and Kl's room
Still cant find it... desperate with this...
I totally no idea where i was put all the certificates....
and this was the reason for me delay write my resume...
Until today, duno y... i was stressed up, and worried bout application of job...
i tried to write my resume without all those certificates...
and my conclusion was... I FAILED TO WROTE IT (cos need write your awards and achievement that you had make it in all these while, i cant even remember dis), i felt that, write resume even more harder to do all the assignments tht i been done dis b4....
This moment, start to pray:-
"Father in Heaven, i duno how to write resume(awards and achiement part), i really need all the certificates to complete my resume, YOu tell me what i should to do at this moment?? i was so upset..." just a short pray...
And God started his work....
I duno why, really duno why...
i saw a drawer in my bro room (i at my bro room cos i put my comp over there)...
i never check dis out...
i go towards the drawer..started to figure out what kind of stuff ll put over there...
At first, i saw all the A-levels textbooks, some computer software
then followed i saw an envelope in brown color...
i was curious ...What kind of stuff will b inside this envelope....
eventually, God answered my prayed by showed this envelope to me
this is because all the certificates that i need was inside the envelope..
(i think i really look like "big head prawn")
Anyway, I really thanks God in this incident...
this is second time,
i experience God helped me get back my stuff when i totally had no idea where i put ....
1st time was when i move everything out from Apartment that i live in Cheras after finished my A-level...
i duno where i put my spectacles tht moment i cant see... i really need it...
i start nervous..and wonder whether i left in the apartment....
This moment, Cecillia told me:" Suyi, u calm down 1st... and pray bout this.. then forget this, do other thing, God ll lead u find something that u wan"...
i followed what she told me, do what she asked me to do...
and later, i really got my spectacles...
Thanks Cecillia!!! thanks for what you had been suggested to me few years ago..
i almost forget this..forget what i was experience ...

From this , i learn something....
"Pray is the power...."

PD trip

One more week left...
Cant wait for next Saturday coming~~
Cant wait for The PD trip (Kuala Lipis Church's Camp)
Cant wait for the happy Moment with all youth ...
When i was thinking bout the What we ll do in PD...
Make me felt excited, wish next saturday will coming soon...
Hope everyone who joined this Camp....
really have a good time with each other,
know each other deeply...
learn words of God ....
"Port Dickson, See you Soon!!!"
Wuah haha....

Fruit Party??!!

Last Sunday, my mother went back to my grandmother there..
and she bring various types of fruits back home...
and totally got 6 types of fruits, there are:-
1. Durians
2. Bananas
3. Manggis
4. Guava
5. "Long yan"
6. Langsat
(I think my mother can be fruit seller already,
since different types of fruits available in her car, haha...)
But, all these havent include those fruits such as pear, apple and orange that bought from pasar malam by my mother...
can you all imagine what would you see once u in kitchen? Answer was FRUITS...
can you all imagine what normally would you see once u open the refrigerator?
Answer was FRUITS again....
I think All these fruits can be my breakfast or lunch, helping me keep fit
This can explain why i was emphasizes must take fruits in our diet...
All this because , i have mother who like eat fruits and bring lots of fruits back home, and keep on telling us need eat fruits...
Anyway, i know why my mother was emphasize must eat fruits,
Reason behind this is very simple, juz for our own good,
especially for our health...
Thanks, Mom!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Beautiful feet~~

Thanks God,
Because pastors they do their job,
preached gospel and introduce other to Christ...
well, introduce Christ to other who never heard Jesus is not only the responsibility of pastor, yet, is responsibility for all people who had been believe on Him, and accepted Him as Saviour.
So, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Let us stand up again, work for our Almighty God....

Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today;

He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way;
He has no tongue but our tongue to tell men how He died;
He has no help but our help to bring them to His side. —Flint

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


之前别人对你所做的事情就这么容易的被忘记,这么容易的被否认了吗, 这么容易的被推翻了吗?
难道人就是这样吗, 较容易记得别人对我们的不好吗?

我曾经读过一封的e-mail, 是讲述一个的故事.




A君很好奇, 为何B君上次乃在沙地上写字,然而,这次却在石头上写字?



B君说:"上次你动手打了我,所以我把你对我的不好给写在沙地上, 当风一吹, 就会把你打我的一事给吹走了, 不再想这件事.然而,当你救了我的时侯,我将你对我的好写在石头上,不被风吹走,以便让我时常记得你曾为我所做的事情".......


在这世界上是没有完美的一个人, 每个人都有自己的缺点....





Monday, August 06, 2007


法國一個偏僻的小鎮,據傳有一個特別靈驗的水泉,常會出現神蹟,可以醫治各種疾病。有一天,一個拄著拐杖,少了一條腿的退伍軍人,一跛一跛的走過鎮上的馬 路,旁邊的鎮民帶著同情的回吻說:「可憐的傢夥,難道他要向上帝祈求再有一條腿嗎??」 這一句話被退伍的軍人聽到了,他轉過身對他們說:「我不是要向上帝祈求有一條新的腿,而是要祈求祂幫助我,叫我沒有一條腿後,也知道如何過日子。」 試想: 學習為所失去的感恩,也接納失去的事實,不管人生的得與失,總是要讓自已的生命充滿了亮麗與光彩,不再為過去掉淚,努力的活出自己的生命。

Saturday, August 04, 2007

student life

Dis two weeks, i was gave tuition to few PMR students....
Subject that i was teach them was science.....
when i saw them discuss homework tht given by teacher,
chit-chat with friends when hving break...
serious for their study...
All these juz make me recalled back my student life...
I miss University that i study...
I miss those meet in University....
I miss moments that i work hard for my exam, lab reports and assignment,
I miss moments when i was hang out with my friend...
I miss everything in Sunway...
I miss everything in MOnash...
"Gerel, Fang Theng, Hooi Yee, Hsiang Leng, Juwim, Eason, Shi Kang, Robby, Wun Him, Nina& TJ"
MIss you all SO MUCH, SO MUCH!!!!