Sunday, July 30, 2006


在我的脑海里, 要成为一位优秀的推销员真的不简单,因为很考讲话技术(所要表达要很清楚,别人必须要明白我们所说的, 我承认我有这方面的软弱).但是最重要的是必须要对自己的产品有很清楚的了解,知道产品的功能和产品的质料,深知这产品能为消费者带来什么的好处并能解答消费者一切的问题.若推销者不能解答消费者的问题,换句话说,若推销者不能清楚的了解到自己的产品, 那么推销者就很难成功.

(take frm Daily Bread)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

You say, God say~~~

This is wat i was read frm internet ... and i think quite meaningful for me... and give me lots of encourage for i would like to share with u all..

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time litle hut is burning to the ground it juz may b a smoke signal that summons the grace of God. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it:

You say : "It's impossible"
God says: " All things are possible " (Luke 18:27)

You say:"I'm too tired."
God says: "I ll give you rest." (Matthew 11:28-30)

You say:"Nobody really loves me."
God says:"I love u." (John 3:16 & John 3:34)

You say:"I cant go on."
God says:"My grace is sufficient." (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say:"I cant figure things out"
God says:"I ll direct your steps." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say:"I cant do it"
God says:"You can do all things." (Philippians 4:13)

You say:"I'm not able."
God says:"I am able." (II Corinthians 9:8)

You say:"It's not worth it."
God says:"It will b worth it." (Roman 8:28)

You say:"I cant forgive myself."
God says:"I forgive U." (I John 1:9 & Roman 8:1)

You say:"I cant manage."
God says:"I will supply all u needs." (Philippians 4:19)

You say:"I'm afraid."
God says:"I have not given u a spirit of fear." (II Timothy 1:7)

You say:"I'm always worried and frustrated."
God says:"Cast all your cares on Me." (I Peter 5:7)

You say:"I don't have enough faith."
God says:" I've given everyone a measure of faith." (Romans 12:3)

You say:"I'm not smart enough."
God says:"I give u wisdom." (I Corinthians 1:30)

You say:" I feel all alone."
God says:" I will never leave you or forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

Sunday, July 23, 2006


看了天涯侠医这部连续剧,戏里透的男主角张家辉曾说够这么的一句话:人只能活这么的一次,想要做的事情就去做千万别等到没有机会的时候才想要去完成,那已太迟了!(当然想做的事时一定不可以伤害其他的人)。曾经有人发问过这一个问题:“人生有几短呢?”有人说:“几十年”,有的人说:“几年而已”, 那你的答案是什么呢?我的答案是:“一秒而已,若下一秒你停此了呼吸,那你的生命就这样的结束了。有此可见人的生命真的好渺小, 要好好地珍惜你现在所拥有的生命。"有一些人天生就有了一些的疾病,每天都要进进出出医院,这是一件很痛苦的事情。每个星期甚至有些的病人每天都要面对着医生护士,每天都要吃药打针, 没有了自由活动的空间(尤其小孩更不可以像其他的小孩那样去学校念书,参加学校的活动,他们的童年就只能在医院里或家里过,真是可悲!)。可是在另一方面却有人轻易的放弃生命,自寻短见, 结束自己的生命。 相比之下有病痛的人想要一个机会活下去却没有这机会,而那些四肢健全的人却放弃这活下去的机会,真是叫人心痛!!!(要更加体验我所说的请到医院去,你会有所看见。)
昨天晚上,我就是不能好好的入眠,并不晓得为什么。我一直在想,有什么事情是我很想去做而没去做的呢?我想啊想啊,真的有好多的事情还没去做, 例如:参加短宣队去传福音,去意大利旅游(想去很久了), 开一间幼儿园让小孩在里头不只是在知识上得着更重要是让他们学习到做人的道理和得到爱(可能你们会觉得奇怪这完全与我所念的科系完全没有关联,但这就是我的看见,看见现在的小孩所需要的爱与关心), 学打鼓,当义工帮助有需要的人,煮一餐给家人吃等等。有机会我一定要实现并完成我想要做的事情。不要说“想”,因为想永远不能完成你要做的事情, 你只停留在“想"而以没有任何的行动来完成你所要完成的事情。可能离我要完成的事情或我的梦想还有很远的路要走, 但我愿意努力的朝向我的梦想去努力的出发。虽然会面对很多的困难与挫折, 就让这些得困难与挫折来磨炼我吧!让我长大和变得更加的成熟!!淑仪,加油加油!!不要容易的放弃!!!^0^

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Hey Shi Kang wat are u doing behind TJ and me ya?haha...

Juwin and me sing "月光" which sang by Cyndi...
My right Hand side is Qiao Leen, however, my left hand side is Wai Mun. Two of them Sing well in cantonese songs. When sing The song~~ "Super star", Qiao Leen as Ella, Wai Mun as Selina, me as Hebe...haha... Quite enjoyed when sang for this Song...

Due to Monday juz only hv 2 lecture which til 11am(not include lab, cos 1st week no lab), therefore we decided sing K at Redbox at 2pm cos other frenzs still got lecture till 2pm. This time we (TJ, Shi Kang, Juwin, Fang Theng, Qiao Leen, Wai Mun, Chai Fang and me) sing K till 9pm, totally is 7 hours. Really cant imagine tht we can sing tht long. (Honestly, a bit guilty spend too much of time in Redbox juz sing K, haha...Next time need control the time already). This time is the 1st time for me sing k v Qiao Leen, Wai Mun, Chai Fang and TJ. Sound of TJ really not bad, most of the time he sang cantonese songs (He really can fight v Khai Ming already).HOnestly, when sing K in redbox, sure i ll sing Jolin, Cyndi and Angela song, but most of the time sing alone, make me not tht excited, haha... But dis time, finally can find Qiao Leen and Wai Mun sing v me...felt nice when sing with them..... Besides That, i try some new (sing the songs tht i never try b4 eg 阿桑的叶子,Twins的恋爱大过天,JJ的突然累了和其他的Cantonese songs, felt not bad).

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Malacca trip (2)

属于我们三人的回忆~~~ Juwin, Fang Theng and me....haahaha..
I like dis Photo very much...may b due to the way tht Fang theng n me standing..haha..
Well, actually at nite(13/7/06) come here already. Due to cant take nice photo during at night, then decided back here again to take photo in the afternoon. Thanks God, at nite hv a chance let me went in the church and join the service over there on tht day, although juz a short moment, but is quite nice for me....we can worship God everywhere as long as our heart is praise our God..


经过这次的马六甲两天一夜旅游,真得让我感到满足。在这儿,可以吃到好吃的食物如“鸡饭粒”,喝好喝的"cendol" (渐渐的胖了), 参观一些历史的地方如 kota a famosa, St Paul church, 动物园等其他地方。这次的旅游不只让我得到额外的知识, 也让我能好好的休息轻松一下,补充我的能量在新的一个学期再次的奋斗, 在次的重新出发。是时候收拾心情预备开始新的学期所要面对的挑战。淑仪,加油哦!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Small Graden behind a house

Juwin with his lovely tortoise...
Cutie rabbit~~ ^0^
Morning glory~~ that planted by Juwin's Mother... long time didn c this flowers already...


Juwin's house is a place quite comfortable, especially hv a small garden behind his's house which full of different type of follwers tht plant by his's mum n had small animals eg tortoise and rabbits. This is a nice place for rest especially in the morning, air over there very fresh. Try to imagine if whole family or with frenzs can sit together, play & chat over such of this place, sure have fun. haha.... 希望在以后的日子,也能拥有一个类似的小花园在自己的家中。每个早上可以闻到花的香气,听到小鸟的鸣叫声,呼吸新鲜的空气, 这也是一种幸福, 能让人感到这是新的一天,新的希望,再次有力量面对挑战。尤其当你感到很疲乏的时候,看看这些花朵树木,也能让自己感到舒服轻松。这的确是一个很好的休息地方, 蛮喜欢这地方。看到这些的花草树木和动物,让我想起上帝的创造, 是何等的美妙和伟大。因为有了花草树木,这世界才有了生气,才会变得更有色彩。

Malacca trip (1)

Fang Theng & me on the way went to Malacca...

Juwin & me Play v Mask..2 of us too crazy...

This trip can said is a small trip, cos only juwin, fang theng n me. Ard 12.30pm fang theng n me reached Malacca n felt very hungry(cos juwin said wanna bring us to eat delicious foods, so 2of us juz eat dumpling as our breakfast). Juwin bring us eat at a restaurant which is very famous with the "ji fan li", over there got soup so delicious, make me wanna order the second bowl of soup haha....(but i didn do tht). Then, we visit Zoo Malacca (actually, i like visit Zoo cos over there can c many diffrent type of animals, oso 1 way can to relax). Although is quite hot when visit Zoo Malacca but this is worth for me cos really gain lots of extra knowledge bout the animals, (thanks juwin explain n told me detail bout the animals, he really suitable to study vet). After visit Zoo Malacca, we went to the Makhota shopping Mall hv a drink and rest. At night, we went to eat "lo lo" (tht nite really eat lots), then Juwin bring Fang theng n me c the "aqua" ~~really bad la.... Although was quite tired on tht day, but i was happy for tht... ahhaha....

Monday, July 10, 2006


上个星期六,是和Sg.Way 的少年团契联合聚会。节目是圣经比赛。在这之前我,我妹妹和表妹就一起读圣经~~路加福音, 预备星期六的圣经比赛。当我妹和表妹发文问题,我发现圣经里头有很多我都不晓得, 真糟糕!!当我读完路加福音,我对这卷书有更加的认识,同时间让我发现读圣经也是一种享受和乐趣。虽然在圣经比赛里我这组不是获得第一名,但我至少对神的话语有所认识, 那已经足够了。


它指的是神的话语,也是智慧。 然而这智慧就像是珍宝,金银藏在很隐秘的地方,只有耐心, 殷勤,专注和意志坚决的人才能发掘它的存在,这需要付出数不尽的血汗 努力的去寻找它。我蛮喜欢这经文,同时间让我能思考几个问题:-
1。 你有在寻找着珍宝吗?
2。 在寻找这珍宝的时候,你花了多少的时间,努力和殷勤呢?

mY sis Birthday party.....

Well, actually my sis birthday on next monday, but, on tht day i need back to kl cos tht day is the 1st day for me start my new sem again. Therefore, i decided celebrate her bday b4 i back kl. Last Friday, is the date celebrate my sis bday v all the junior youth fellowship frenzs.....

On tht day, really busy for me..need prepare all the food for my sis birthday party. Fortunately, my sis n mum helped me. Although, make me quite tired on tht day, but once i saw my sis so happy. I knw all this was worth for me....

Over here wanna wish my sis...

"All the best for u studies",

B the "light" of God...shine upon u frenzs...

"GRowth in the Words of God"...


Thursday, July 06, 2006

mY frenz~~Mei Ying

In my left hand side is Titin, my right hand side is Mei Ying... two of them nw already went to Australia for their studies...

I think nw my frenz (mei ying) already on the way go to Australia (i wonder whether she cry in airport o nt, never c her cry b4...haha..). Start frm tml she need adapt new enviroment and new culture. Hopefully, she able adapt the new env as soon as possible (but, i knw Titin, Rona, Hendrix and Anton ll take k of her).

Bout Mei Ying, she really is a smart, helpful, nice and friendly person. I already 4get how i can meet her..if i not mistaken may b through Fang Theng. When i had questions to do my reports or questions bout the lecture, sure i ll asked her and she willing to answer my questions. I still remember "Library" is the place tht 2of us meet each other to study n struggle for final exam (start frm next sem, we cant study 2gether in library already, ^ - ^). She oso is a good lab partner, last sem is the 1st time i partner v her to do biochm experiment (include Ehua), BUt oso is the last time for me partner v her. I like carried out experiment v her cos she is a person who serious when do experiment (same as me cos i m tht kind of person who seriuos when do experiment, wanna get good n reliable result..hehe).

Besides that, i still remember she bring me and other frenzs go Klang eat "ba ku teh" (i duno which restaurant already), eat Tomyam "pan mee", eat delicious "popiah" which ard her house. Nw i miss all this food, especially Tomyam "pan mee"....when i can eat again??? haha... every begining each sem, we ll sing k in redbox. She like "waiting for u" this song, n sing this song in redbox... i like to listen she sang this song cos her voice suitable....

I like this phase~~ "因为有了分离,才有相聚的一天。我们才会对再次相聚的这一天有所期待。”yeah, although, Mei ying went to Australia for her studies, sure 1day we can meet again once she back frm Australia...haha...sum more, nwadays got internet, still can contact v her, chat v her ...haha....

Mei Ying, All the best for u studies... Keep in touch ya....friendship forever... ^0^...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Actually, i wanna watch this movie~~FRAGILE long time ago. I borrowed this DVD frm Steve b4 i started my fianl exam. But, i always give excuse to myself delay watch dis movie (actually the main reason is i scare watch ghost movie alone, haha..). Finally, i bring dis DVD back lipis, and watch together v my Dad....

Most of the time i refuse watch ghost movie, cos i knw, i m tht kind of people who good in imagine. For sure, after watch ghost movie, tht nite, sure i cant sleep well, due to, i can imagine lots things...hehe...this is me lo... BUt, for this movie, content of this movie really attract me wanna watch, hence, i borrow frm steve....

Then, yesterday seen nothing can do, then "ajak" my dad watch dis movie v me (actually, wanna find someone accompany me watch dis movie). After watch dis movie, i realize tht this movie not really that scary , but, i quite confuse about the movie...1st thing is who is the ghost? the nurse o the little gal who sick? 2nd thing is y the ghost need choose tht time to balas dendam? 40th yrs ago, y she didn balas dendam leh? 3rd thing is the little gal become mechanical gal because of wat? due to the nurse broke her bone o she got the bone mutation?

Who can tell me dis???

Sunday, July 02, 2006



每当我听或唱这首歌,都会让我想起基督伟大的爱, 回想起耶稣为我所受的苦, 为我的罪,被罗马兵丁鞭打,被当地的人民羞辱。当我看了耶稣受难记这部戏(我的眼泪一直在流,尤其耶稣被鞭打的时候),我会想为何耶稣能忍受着这一切的辱骂,鞭打和羞辱呢?什么理由让他能忍受着这一切?答案就是因为他爱我, 不只是我而已,这世界的每一个人他都爱。就因为这理由, 使他愿意忍受这一切。这是何等长阔高深的爱。