In cinema, sure got different type of movie we can choose, some movie is horrible movie, some is funny movie, some is action movie... Well, DEATH NOTE is one of the japanase movie that recently available in cinema...i was watch this movie with my frenz once we are finish our last paper...haha...For me, i not really like dis movie, bored is one of the reason, besides that, the content for this movie oso not tht good...
here the synopsis for this movie:~
Shinigami own notebooks called “Death Notes” which are used as killing devices. Whoever’s name they write down in a death note will die within 40 seconds. Shinigami Ryuk dropped his Death Note in the human world where it’s found by honor high school student Light. With the death note actually having directions in it for its use, Light discovers he now has the power to discreetly kill people, and with this new power he plans to change the world in his ideal world by killing off criminals. Eventually the governments of the countries around the world notice the unusual amounts of deaths of their criminals, and figure out someone is behind them, but they have no way of discovering it themselves. That’s when they hire L, a master detective, to find out who is behind the murders.
你可以想象这会是个怎样的世界吗?当一个人的生死竟然是由一个人在掌管.他几时要你死你便要死, 死的方法也由他来决定,这也不用紧,最可怕是他 可能因为一写小事就非要你死,那才最恐怖!!就如这部戏里的主角,因怕被抓拿利用这本书把有关连的人给杀了.但现在来看,即使没有这本书,现今的人都会因为一些理由非将你至于死地..可想而知人是多么的邪恶.还好这世界没有所为的"death note ", 因我深信人的生死由3 in 1 的上帝在掌管, 而不是由人掌管, 也不是由死神来掌管,我也相信在以后必有审判. 我们必须为自己所做的负责任.除此之外,男主角因为没有看见未来的审判, 所以很失望,他任为法律也有限,不能将有罪的人(杀人放火的那种)得到应有的报应 (我承认律法的确有限的) 所以他利用这本书把"有罪"的人给杀.他以为他替天行动,将这些所为"有罪"的人杀死是叫有正义.Blek...!!!一个人的生死不是由他来掌管而是上帝,一个人是否有罪和那个人应有的报应和惩罚也不是由他定的.结果怎样呢?他连一些无辜的人也牺牲了为的是不要让"L"查出背后的杀手,eg:深爱着light的女生也成了他计划里的一部份,这就所为的正义感吗?
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