Well, on 30/8/06 nites, actually i should go south city, wanna give support to my frenz (hsiang leng)who give show in halo (since she is my hao jie mei), due to no transport...then cant go there..aih...finally, the place tht i went to was shi kang's house...go there c the firework, cos his house got a good view to look for firework (for sure, ask other frenzs c this together..cos more ppl sure more happier de..haha...)
We all waiting for firework, at the same time watch korea drama which titled as "Taegukgi" was act by "chang dong jian" and "yuan bin"~~two handsome guys...dis is one of drama that can make me cried..Honestly, dis drama really inspire me alots...let me think a lots....
这故事是在讲述两兄弟,他们是敬泰(张东建)和敬贤(元斌). 他们俩都必须去当兵,参于战争, 留下年老的妈妈, 英信(敬泰的女朋友)和弟妹们. 在这部戏里头,可以看见到亲 的可贵--哥哥一直的在保护弟弟, 照顾他.爱 当有的信任,看见到战争使到很多的人都失去自己的家人或爱人,要面对生离死别,这么的一别,可能永远也不能再相见,这是件痛苦的事,看了真叫人心酸!!除此之外,也看见到兵士们面对的不只是对方的敌人, 也受尽心灵和身体的折磨--他们每天都要面对死亡的来临,不晓得下一秒他们是否还活在这世上,也要眼睁睁地看见自己的伙伴死在自己的眼前, 兵营里没有足够的食物让他们吃.我一直在想,当时的兵士们最想要的是什么?我想他们最想要的是战争停止,回到自己的家园和自己的家人团圆!想必在战争的时候,他们是何等的思念他们的家人和爱人!!想看看家人的样子....而留在家乡的家人每天都在等待他们的回来,盼望有一天再能见到他们的亲人.可见战争使人受没有了家,失去亲人.我蛮尊敬兵士们,因为他们的牺牲才有了国家.才有了家庭,才有了人民.
大楷12.00am, 我们都很期待烟花的出现.可是,等了一段时间,迟迟未见有烟花的出现, 不尽有点失望和被骗的感觉.但无所未吧!continue watch my korea drama...but, u knw wat was happened later??? ard 12.10am, we all heard sound like "Bom"....then all of like crazy, run to balcony saw wat was happened...then firework was appear in our eyes...then we all juz enjoyed the nice view which showed in front of our eyes (almost 5 min, then continue v the drama..hehe..)....
once finish watch korea drama, went out yam cha, cos we all hungry already...almost 3am reached home...honestly la, on tht nite i suppose to work v my SCI2010 ass de, eventually i did nothing on tht nites..hehe...but anyway, at least i had a good time v all my frenzs..really not bad..hehe....
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